Meet Our Fabrics!

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Henley Hemp- 8 oz./ yard. 100% organic hemp, GOTS compliant processing. Our hemp fabric is pure magic! Though still gaining popularity for home goods, hemp is an excellent textile choice because of its stunning versatility, natural luster, softness, and drape. Here are a few functional and environmental benefits that we find with hemp fabric:

Hemp is stronger and more durable than any other natural fabric, and not only is it strong, it also holds its shape, stretching less than any other natural fiber. It is extremely durable and the luster and comfort increases with each wash. It also has a high resistance to UV rays, keeping it from disintegrating or fading due to sunlight.

Hemp is a robust crop. Hemp grows well without the use of chemicals or pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides. Hemp requires less water to thrive than cotton. It is actually drought tolerant, and usually grows well without irrigation, unlike cotton. Hemp has a fiber yield higher than any other agricultural crop, thereby requiring less resources and land for equal yield.

Lonnie Linen- 12 oz./ yard. 100% OEKO-TEX 100 certified organic linen, GOTS compliant processing. This linen is long-fiber which creates an extremely durable fabric and soft, luxurious hand. Here are a few functional and environmental benefits that we find with linen fabric:

Flax is naturally one of the strongest natural fibers. It grows well without pesticides, and much less water than other fiber crops such as cotton. The flax crop yields products from virtually every part of the plant minimizing agricultural waste.

Grand Sateen- 100% organic cotton fabric certified by Global Organic Textile Standards (GOTS) with a lovely sheen and soft drape and feel.

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Our Sustainability Actions

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As we build Lo Home, we strive to create a foundation of prioritizing the environment and the well-being of others. We know our actions have impact, and we want our impact to be BIG and positive. We believe we have the responsibility to present transparent information about the products that we sell, and especially about the products we create and manufacture. While we do not exclusively sell sustainable products, all Lo Home exclusive products (products that we design, create, and manufacture) are as environmentally and socially responsible as possible through each stage of our growth. The following is a list of certifications and classifications that we find important in sustainable/ ethical manufacturing, and prioritize in our Lo Home exclusive products:

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)-

To be GOTS certified, a fabric must be made of from at least 70% organic fibers and up to 30% either regenerated fibers from certified organic raw materials, sustainable forestry management (FSC / PEFC) or certified recycled synthetic fibers (recycled polyester, polyamide, polypropylene or polyurethane).

GOTS certification requires low impact and low residual natural and synthetic chemical inputs. It prohibits many chemicals including all heavy metals.

Wastewater treatment must be in place before discharge to surface waters. This pertains to pH and temperature, as well as to biological and chemical residues in the water.

GOTS also requires compliance with the International Labor Organization (ILO – no forced, bonded, or slave labor; workers have the right to join or form trade unions and to bargain collectively; working conditions are safe and hygienic; there must be no recruitment of child labor; wages must meet, at a minimum, national legal standards or industry benchmarks, whichever is higher; working hours are not excessive and inhumane treatment is prohibited.

Environmentally sound packaging requirements must be in place; PVC in packaging is prohibited; paper must be post-consumer recycled or certified according to FSC or PEFC.

GOTS has a dual system of quality assurance consisting of on-side annual inspection (including possible unannounced inspections based on risk assessment of the operations) and residue testing.

Our opinion is that the GOTS standard is the most comprehensive and rigorous certification regarding textiles. It’s also quite difficult to obtain and maintain.


The goal of Oeko-Tex fabric safety standard is to ensure that fabrics pose no risk to human health. The Oeko-Tex 100 certification prohibits a lengthy list of chemicals which are known or suspected to harm health, including lead, antimony, arsenic, phthalates, pesticides, and chlorinated phenols, Azo dyes, all flame retardants, carcinogenic and allergy-inducing dyes, pesticides, chlorinated phenols, chloro-organic benzenes and toluenes, heavy metals, organotin compounds (TBT and DBT), and formaldehyde.

Additionally, Oeko-Tex certified fabrics are required to have a skin-friendly pH.

Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Certified Wood

FSC certification ensures that products come from responsibly managed forests that provide environmental, social and economic benefits. Below are the standards that FSC certified forests must abide by:

PRINCIPLE #1: COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND FSC PRINCIPLES - Forest management shall respect all applicable laws of the country in which they occur, and international treaties and agreements to which the country is a signatory, and comply with all FSC Principles and Criteria.

PRINCIPLE #2: TENURE AND USE RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES - Long-term tenure and use rights to the land and forest resources shall be clearly defined, documented and legally established.

PRINCIPLE #3: INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS - The legal and customary rights of indigenous peoples to own, use and manage their lands, territories, and resources shall be recognized and respected.

PRINCIPLE #4: COMMUNITY RELATIONS AND WORKER’S RIGHTS - Forest management operations shall maintain or enhance the long-term social and economic well being of forest workers and local communities.

PRINCIPLE # 5: BENEFITS FROM THE FOREST - Forest management operations shall encourage the efficient use of the forest’s multiple products and services to ensure economic viability and a wide range of environmental and social benefits.

PRINCIPLE #6: ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT - Forest management shall conserve biological diversity and its associated values, water resources, soils, and unique and fragile ecosystems and landscapes, and, by so doing, maintain the ecological functions and the integrity of the forest.

PRINCIPLE #7: MANAGEMENT PLAN - A management plan — appropriate to the scale and intensity of the operations — shall be written, implemented, and kept up to date. The long-term objectives of management, and the means of achieving them, shall be clearly stated.

PRINCIPLE #8: MONITORING AND ASSESSMENT - Monitoring shall be conducted — appropriate to the scale and intensity of forest management — to assess the condition of the forest, yields of forest products, chain of custody, management activities and their social and environmental impacts.

PRINCIPLE # 9: MAINTENANCE OF HIGH CONSERVATION VALUE FORESTS - Management activities in high conservation value forests shall maintain or enhance the attributes which define such forests. Decisions regarding high conservation value forests shall always be considered in the context of a precautionary approach.

PRINCIPLE # 10: PLANTATIONS - Plantations shall be planned and managed in accordance with Principles and Criteria 1-9, and Principle 10 and its Criteria. While plantations can provide an array of social and economic benefits, and can contribute to satisfying the world’s needs for forest products, they should complement the management of, reduce pressures on, and promote the restoration and conservation of natural forests.

Wind-Powered Manufacturing

Though more expensive in Oklahoma, we purchase Oklahoma-generated wind energy to 100% power our ceramics studio and office space.

Made in the USA

Choosing to manufacture our products in the USA not only supports employment and the economy in the United States, it also guarantees safe and fair working conditions for the production of goods. Most of our manufactured products are made local to us, minimizing transit during the production stage.

Sustainable Packaging

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We do not use plastic in our box packaging. En lieu of bubble wrap and styrofoam, we use recycled paper cut in a hive pattern which creates a thick cushioned wrap and our packing peanuts are biodegradable (instantly dissolve in water) made from cornstarch. All of our paper products are recycled and are recyclable, and our bubble mailers are 100% recycled and are recyclable. We encourage you to recycle all Lo Home packaging.

June Artist Spotlight: Taelor Fisher and Digital Downloads

Hello June!
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June is here, and we are ready for SUMMER and new adventures! This month is bringing many new beginnings for us: our NEWEST team members are settling in; our NEW studio is under construction; and our NEW summer collection is almost ready to debut!  We are also starting a NEW monthly feature which will highlight one of our favorite artists each month. You will get a peek into their inspiration/ process AND digital downloads for your desktop and phone featuring their art! This month's free downloads showcase Taelor Fisher and her signature layered abstract florals. The desktop calendar includes her 2018 canvas on acrylic "Flamingo" piece available through Lo Home, and the phone wallpaper includes our Lo Home x Taelor Fisher collaborative "Garden" pattern available on pillows, wallpaper , and fabric. We hope that these gorgeous images add some beauty, joy, and inspiration to your summer days. 

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Taelor Fisher
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This month's featured artist is Taelor Fisher! Taelor is a Dallas-based artist known for her signature lush, colorful, and charmingly chaotic floral abstracts. She studied at New York University in the Tisch School of the Arts in New York, NY,  and Southern Methodist University in the Meadows School of the Arts in Dallas, TX. She holds a degree in Art History and Studio Art from Southern Methodist University, focusing on Painting, Drawing, and Printmaking. I had the opportunity to ask Taelor about her process, inspiration, and upcoming work:

Where do you find inspiration for your artwork?

I find great inspiration in the natural world, and consider flowers especially stirring. I expressively marry shapes, colors, and scents of my favorite blooms, which produce lush, colorful, and charmingly chaotic compositions.

Every painting starts with flowers. But, it is then what intrigues me at the moment that helps the piece take shape. This can be anything from decor curated by a designer, to current trends in fashion, to a color accidentally mixed on my palette.

My paintings are not about ME. They are about where they might live. I want my work to be loved and cherished. Thus, my heart and soul is poured into each piece as I create.

What advice would you give an aspiring artist or student who would like to pursue a creative field as a career? 

This is such a good question! I wish that someone would have told me to keep creating no matter what. You don't have to immediately be making money off of your art for it to have meaning and purpose. You are also totally aloud to have another job and create. I taught art for 5 years before I painted full time. Taking the time to foster your style and experiment will give you confidence in your own work before you send it out into the world. Confidence in your art and yourself will help your career grow and develop 10 times more than if you lived in a constant state of getting affirmation from others. 

What does a typical day in your studio look like?

I am starting to have less and less all-day studio days after having Bobby, but when I am in the studio, I have to be very efficient so that I can get everything done. I always try to create something not related to a commission or any of my series just to get my mind off of the "work" side of painting. It helps remind me that I paint because I love it - and not to take it so seriously (even though I do haha). Then I either get to work on my current commissions that month, or if I have a show coming up at a gallery, I work on those pieces. The unglamorous side is washing paint brushes, sweeping the floors, cleaning surfaces, and packaging paintings. This actually takes up quite a bit of time to create a workable, uncluttered studio environment, but SO worth it!

What are you most excited about right now?

I am SO excited that my work is displayed with Lisa Weiss in a show at Exhibit by Aberson in Tulsa! I drove up to see the show, and was above and beyond honored to have my work next to Lisa's. Coming up next, a selection of my work will be displayed at Gregg Irby Gallery in August! Stay tuned for dates and more information! 

Our goal at Lo Home is to inspire beautiful and joyful living. Where do you find beauty in your day to day life, and what brings you true joy?

FLOWERS! This has been the one subject that I have always gravitated towards. I also love the look and feeling of fresh flowers in my home. I am currently getting into gardening - so I really hope that this can turn into a hobby that I can sustain that brings me joy as well!! 

She is represented by  Bee Street Gallery in Dallas,  Exhibit by Aberson In Tulsa,  Gregg Irby Gallery in Atlanta, and  Well and Wonder.  In addition, to her studio work, she also shares her inspiration and details about some of her commission clients on her creative blog  "On the Wall."

Taelor recently started her generous "Paint it Forward" program in March 2019. Every year she will be choosing 2-4 people, nominated by her followers, to gift a commission to. Taelor knows how healing art can be, and how much joy it can bring into a home. "I love the idea of working with them on a special piece that would bring a little happiness back into their life. I believe that everyone deserves something beautiful to look at every day." If you know of someone who has gone through a rough patch, is currently going through a hard time, or just needs a little light in their life - please NOMINATE them here!

Amongst all of the "new" moments June will bring for us here at Lo Home, we are also looking forward to those magical moments that stir up the best memories of summer's earliest days: fireflies and cicadas as the sun sets on a long lazy day; Saturdays that start off with sunglasses, sandals, and topknots; and fun summer reads (and warm naps) by the pool. 

Stay on the look-out for our new summer collection launching soon, and be sure to sign up for our "Lo Homies" newsletter to stay in the know (bottom-center of the page).  Each Monday, we will send you a dose of joy and beauty to your inbox that will always include a special weekly promo code for our "Homies" and special previews, announcements, or articles just for you!

Wishing you a beautiful and joyful June!